What is in the fine print.

Here are bullet points of this big long, legal document.

  • By using our service, you agree to these terms and conditions.
  • Capped Data Packages cut off when data limit is reached.
  • Unlimited packages, to our knowledge, have no caps and no throttle and no daily usage limit.
  • Activation fees are non-refundable.
  • Shiping is non-refundable
  • Carrier fees are non-refundable
  • Equipment purchased from Hometown Entertainment is refundable within the guidlines of the 7 day guarantee and must be returned at customers expense.
  • Equipment that is leased from Hometown Entertainment must be returned at the customers expense and be in good working condition or customer will be billed $199.
  • Internet service fees that are not paid by the 1st of the month, will be disconnected on the first. There is NO GRACE PERIOD.  Internet is Pre-Paid. No exceptions.
  • There are no refunds for service or equipment beyond the 7 day grace period.
  • Upon cancellation, the cost of the equipment will be billed to your method of payment that is on file.  The charge will be refunded when the equipment is returned and received in working condition.




Welcome to Hometown Entertainment! Thanks for choosing us. Your Service terms and conditions are part of this Customer Agreement (“Agreement”) and are provided by Hometown Entertainment  (“Hometown Entertainment”) or one of its affiliates. Your service is for use within the Hometown Entertainment coverage area. Together, your Plan and any features you use are your Service. The current version of this Agreement and the terms and conditions for your Services are available online at HometownEntertainment.us.

By using the Service you are agreeing to every provision of this Agreement whether or not you have read it. This Agreement also applies to anyone who uses your Service.


We’d hate to see you go, but you may cancel service for any reason at anytime.  If you cancel service less than 3 days before the next billing cycle, you may still be charged for the following month: a:) if you have not returned your equipment or  b:) you submitted your request to late for the autopay agreement to be cancelled.   All requests should be submitted via email to Info@hometownentertainment.us.  

Internet is prepaid.  If you cancel, midmonth, your service will end the last day of the month no matter what day you started.  As per our billing cycle, which starts the first of the month.  All service is prorated the second month.  Cancelling in the first 30 days does not entitle you to continued service in to the prorated second month.  To request to cancel service, the requ

Sadly, due to the trend that seems to have developed in the minds of customers once they cancel, a mindset that they no longer need to worry about the condition of the equipment.    They also seem to think that they can just return equipment in a month or two or whenever they like.  And due to prevous customers who just threw their routers in to a box with no padding and thought it ok to ship the equipment back in that mannaer I have been forced to change my cancellation procedure.

Upon cancellation, a one time equipment fee of $199.00  will be charged to the method of payment on file.  This is a deposit to ensure the safe and speedy return of the equipment that was leased to you.  When the equipment is received in good, working condtion, with it accessories ( antenna, power cords, batteries)  a refund will be issued.  The sim card must also be returned or a $400.00 recovery fee will be charged to the payment record on file.

Equipment is to be returned to:   S&B,  PO Box 31,  Resaca, GA 30735

 If you cancel and  have not received your equipment, a fee of $50.00 will be assessed before a complete refund will be issued, this is, for instance, if we must restock or cancel your equipment order. If your account has been activated, no refunds will be provided for the activation, only the equipment fee will be refunded within a 30-day period from the date of installation. Refunds are only issued to customers who have not received service (use of internet) within the first 7 days and only after we have exhausted all means to provide internet service. Any customer who has used an acceptable amount of data, which is defined as 10GB within a one month period, will NOT be entitled to our refund policy. All equipment including your sim card must be returned in working order, before a refund is issued.   If your equipment is returned after the intial 30 days of service, and is in good working order, a $75 equipment refund will be issued.  Equipment must be returned to S&B, PO Box 31, Resaca, GA 30735. 

If your account is cancelled due to non-payment  you must return our sim card, or, a fee of $400 will be billed to you. If your services have been suspended due to non payment, then a fee of $50 will be assessed to reactivate your service.

 .By entering into this Agreement, you agree to our data collection, use and sharing practices described in our Privacy Policy.

 Changes to the Agreement or Your Service

We may change prices, the monthly cost, or any other term of your Service or this Agreement at any time, but we’ll provide notice first. Notice, as defined can be either and email,  a written letter, post on social media platform, or any other publicly viewed medium. If you don’t like the change, remember you can cancel at any time. But, if you use your Service after the change takes effect, that means you’re accepting the change. If we make any changes to the dispute resolution provision of this Agreement, such changes will not affect the resolution of any disputes that arose before such change.

My internet equipment

Your internet equipment must comply with Federal Communications Commission regulations, be certified for use on the network, and be compatible with your Service. We may change your wireless device’s software, applications or programming remotely, without notice. This could affect your stored data, or how you’ve programmed or use your wireless device. By activating your SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card, you agree we own the intellectual property and software in the SIM card, that we may change the software or other data in the SIM card remotely and without notice, and we may utilize any capacity in the SIM card for administrative, network, business and/or commercial purposes. Reselling our service is stickily prohibited and we reserve the right to bring legal retribution to anyone who has violated this policy to court for violation of these terms at the violators expense to recover any intellectual property. We do offer resell, for wholesale to authorized retailers.

Equipment purchased from Hometown Entertainment can be returned during the 7 day trial and must be shipped at the customers expnese to S & B, PO Box 31, Resaca, GA 30735.  To be eligible for a refund, everything must be in the same condition that you received it including all packaging, wire wraps and SIM card. If you are returning just a SIM card, it must be shipped in a padded envelope.It is strongly suggested that you get tracking and insurance.

Equipment leased from Hometown Entertainment must be returned within 7 days of cancellation of service.  The equipment, including the ethernet cable and power supply, must arrive in good working condition within 7 days of cancellation.  Equipment that is not packaged securely and is damaged in route, will result in a damaged equipement fee of $199.00 .  Equipment is to be shipped at the customers expnese to S & B, PO Box 31, Resaca, GA 30735.  It is strongly suggested that you get tracking and insurance.

There are certain situations where only partial refunds are granted:

– Any item not in its original condition is damaged or missing parts for reasons not due to our error
– Any item that is returned more than 30 days after delivery.

Coverage and Service Availability

Wireless devices use radio transmissions, so unfortunately you can’t get Service if your device isn’t in range of a transmission signal. And please be aware that even within your network coverage area, many things can affect the availability and quality of your Service, including network capacity, your device, terrain, buildings, foliage and weather. We may take any action to protect and maintain the integrity of the network.

If you lose Service for more than 72 hours in a row and we are  at fault, contact us at support@Hometown Entertainment.com within the 30-day billing period and we’ll give you a credit for the time lost.  This is your only right for interrupted Service.  There are no refunds for interrupted service.


You are responsible for paying all mandatory taxes and fees set by federal, state, and local governments that we are required to collect and remit to the government. Additional fees from the MNO (Mobile Network Operator) may also apply.

Billing and Payments

Internet service is pre-paid.  All internet plans must be paid on or before the first day of the month.   Payment can be made via an e-check from your bank for no fee.  If you use a credit card, there is a monthly convenience fee due the additional charges to us from the credit card company.  If you request monthly invoicing, the invoice will arrive on the 27th of the month and must be paid BEFORE the last day of the month.  There is a $10 per month fee added to for monthly invoicing.  If it is not paid before the last day of the month, the service will be disconnected.  The availability of Service depends on your payment in advance of the monthly charge when it is due.

If your payment fails for any reason, there is a $10 fee.  If you payment fails a second month, the fee increases to $35.

There is no grace period for pre-paid service. If the service is not paid on or before the due date, the service will be disconnected.

If you fail to make payment when due, your Service will be suspended for 24 hours before it is cancelled.  If your account is suspended for non-payment, you must pay $25.00 to reactive your service.  

 This is a pre-pay service and it must be paid in advance in order to receive service.  No exceptions.  Your account will be cancelled for non-payment.

We do not provide monthly  paper bills or invoices.  You will receive an emailed receipt for your monthly payment after it is processed.

Once service is canceled and not just suspended, the sim is de-activated, and cannot be re-activated.  To restore service the customer will have to sign up for a new plan and a new sim card.  The cost will be the service plan currently available, activation fee ($35) SIM card fee ($10) plus shipping ($10)


We make no representations or warranties, express or implied, including, to the extent permitted by applicable law, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, about your Service, your wireless device, or any applications you access through your wireless device. We do not warrant that your wireless device will work perfectly or will not need occasional upgrades or modifications, or that it will not be negatively affected by network–related modifications, upgrades or similar activity. We do not warrant that your service will not have outages due to upgrades of equipment, sim card failure, failure of networks or any other causes.  If you download or use applications, services or software provided by third parties (including voice applications), 911 or E911, or other calling functionality, may work differently than services offered by us, or may not work at all. Please review all terms and conditions of such third–party products. Hometown Entertainment is not responsible for any third–party information, content, applications or services you access, download or use on your device. You are responsible for maintaining virus and other Internet security protections when accessing these third–party products or services.


 You and Hometown Entertainment both agree to limit claims against each other for damages or other monetary relief to direct damages. This limitation and waiver will apply regardless of the theory of liability. That means neither of us will try to get any indirect, special, consequential, treble or punitive damages from the other. This limitation and waiver also applies if you bring a claim against one of our suppliers, to the extent we would be required to indemnify the supplier for the claim. You agree we aren’t responsible for problems caused by you or others, or by any act of God.

Dispute Resolution

We hope to make you a happy customer! Most customer concerns can be quickly resolved by contacting customer support. You can dispute charges for any Service(s) within 30 days of the date the disputed charge was incurred by emailing us at support@HometownEntertainment.us.


 About this Agreement

If we don’t enforce our rights under this agreement in one instance, that doesn’t mean we won’t or can’t enforce those rights in any other instance. You can’t assign this Agreement or any of your rights or duties under it without our permission. However, we may assign this Agreement or any debt you owe us without notifying you.

If we send notices to you, they will be considered received immediately if we send them to your email . If you need to send notices to us, please send them to info@HometownEntertainment.us.

If any part of this agreement, including anything regarding the arbitration process (except for the prohibition on class arbitrations as explained in part 7 of the dispute resolution section above), is ruled invalid, that part may be removed from this agreement.

This agreement and the documents it incorporates form the entire agreement between us. You can’t rely on any other documents, and you have no other rights regarding Service or this agreement. This Agreement isn’t for the benefit of any third party except our affiliates, subsidiaries, agents, and predecessors and successors in interest. Except where we’ve agreed otherwise elsewhere in this agreement, this agreement and any disputes covered by it are governed by federal law and the laws of the state encompassing the area code of your wireless phone number when you accepted this agreement, without regard to the conflicts of laws and rules of that state.